Want to be seen as professional?
Look professional. The first step is a top-grade visual identity, and that's where I come in.

Justin Havre Real Estate Team – Logo design, visual identity, company slogan, and brand campaign design for the world's number one eXp Realty team. - Logo design and visual identity for a rollerblading shop (yet to be founded).

RAT&ROPE - Logo design and visual identity for a Rope Access Technician company from Poland.

Let’s connect with the target audience, stand out from the crowd, and stay user-friendly—all while looking awesome.

Helcim Smart Terminal - Product box design.

Das Helcim Hefe - A beer can design

Dellasani - Chocolate packaging

This one is simple - You have an idea to express or a story to tell, and I make it pretty. Deal?

Glioblastoma (Brain Cancer) Girls – A t-shirt typography for the Jennifer Chan Lab team at the University of Calgary

Collection of hero image illustrations for articles at Helcim's Blog.

How to Rock Chilli Con Carne - An infographic recipe for my favourite chilli

I enjoy designing thoughtful interfaces and can collaborate closely with the lovable coding people of your choice.​​​​​​​ - Web design for a rollerblading shop (yet to be founded) - Landing page design for job recruitment challenge at Helcim (success!)

If you think I could be of help with your case, let’s chat—coffee’s on me!